QuestionsforCreatorShort1Sept2017 Nordic = Arcturian? From You can leave comments at Currently my channel is ad-free and completely funded by Donations. If you enjoy my channel and would like to support me which allows me to continue putting out this content full-time you can do so by purchasing one of my original Giclee prints of my paintings here Or donating by following this link All support is very much appreciated and allows me to stay on message and keep my channel ad-free and without the stress of expenses. [01:29:35] Karl: This is very, very true. There is an alliance of the Annunaki, who were here first, to manipulate human with the Reptilians, and with the Arcturians who in turn created the alien Gray beings. The greys are a robotic creation, they are soulless beings, they are a type of artificial intelligence. But the Arcturians who are called Nordics by many, or assumed to be from other stars, such as Aldebaran or Orion, and so on, are in this to the hilt. The abductions are carried out by Arcturians, the Grays, and Reptilians, sometimes all three together, sometimes one participant singly, or where two might be visible to the abductees but not a third, and that is because of the sheer volume of the enterprise. So whoever is available to fill a need may be pressed into service. But they are all working in concert. They work on this for varying agendas. The greys want to understand the soul and want to be able to reincarnate and persist as a lineage and to have a consciousness that continues beyond their normal working life. That is a pure folly as it will not happen, but they have been manipulating human with that intention in mind. See the whole Karl Mollison Channel Series here
- Category: Uncategorized
- Duration: 02:58
- Date: 7 years ago
- Tags: questionsforcreatorshort1sept2017