Creator on Channelers vs. Darkness
Creator on Channelers vs. Darkness[00:53:07] from Channeling ALL with Karl Mollison 27April2017 Karl: The channelers are a special problem because they themselves are usually corrupted by the dark ones. They know the channelers are a high risk to them by having access to divine truth, and this they wish to prevent from happening at all costs. So they will target all channelers relentlessly to subvert them and to find ways to begin to partner with them themselves, and this takes them out of the action because then they are talking to an extraterrestrial source and not to a divine being any longer, but to an imposter who pretends to be the divine being. This is hard to accept and even understand for many, especially with religious training, because they cannot envision a world in which someone can pretend to be God or pretend to be an Archangel and get away with that, because God would certainly strike them dead on the spot. This is not so, because we are quite careful and scrupulous in following our own rule about non-interference in human affairs. You are in charge of your world. You have the word of law. You decide what happens. If you reach out to us for help, then we can come to your aid, and there are rules about that as well. But if someone pretends to be us, that is their free will choice, and we cannot stop them directly. [00:55:05]
- Category: Uncategorized
- Duration: 01:37
- Date: 7 years ago
- Tags: creator, channelers, vs., darkness